Boyd Family – North Myrtle Beach, SC
Bro. Terry Boyd and his wife Jill are planting a church in North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. They have been sent out by Madison Baptist Church, Madison, AL.
Email: pastorterryboyd@yahoo.com Website: https://lbsmvirginia.com/
Douglas Family – Brazil
Bro. Michael Douglas and his wife Ruth will be planting churches for the deaf in Brazil. They have been sent out by Harvest Baptist Church of the Deaf in Ringgold, GA.
Email: cmrdouglas3@gmail.com Website: https://www.thedouglasepistles.org
Duke Family – Germany
Edwin “Buddy” Duke and his family are church planters in Germany. Bro. Duke was sent out by Shady Acres Baptist Church in Houston, TX.
Email: edwin.duke@t-online.de
Foster Family – South Africa
Jim and Kristina Foster are veteran missionaries to the people in the Cape of Good Hope, South Africa. They are involved in church planting, running a Christian school and in a ministry to parents of stillborn or terminally ill infants. They are sent out through Central Missionary Clearinghouse in Houston, TX.
Email: jkbefoster@hotmail.com Website: www.goodhopeministries.com
Frank Family – New England, USA
Bro. Matthew Frank has been called to minister with the Rock of Ages Ministries in New England. He is sent out by Granite State Baptist Church, Concord, NH.
Email: mfrank@roapm.net Website: www.newengland4christ.com
Gerwitz Family – Brazil
Bro. Zack Gerwitz and his family have been called to go to Brazil to bring the Gospel to remote regions in the Amazon. They have been sent out by Madison Baptist Church in Madison, AL.
Email: zjgerwitz@gmail.com
Hull Family – Albania
Bro. Samuel Hull and his family will be church planting in southeast Albania. They have been sent out by Lighthouse Baptist Church in Abbeville, SC.
Email: hullstoalbania@gmail.com
Klaus Family – Germany
Keith Klaus and his family are church planters in the country of Germany. Bro. Klaus was sent out by Mountain View Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL.
Website: http://www.klaustria.com
Kreh Family – Netherlands
Eric Kreh and his wife Lisa have been called to plant churches in the Netherlands. They have been sent out by Cornerstone Baptist Church in Findlay, Ohio.
Email: eKreh73@gmail.com Website: http://www.kreh2NL.com
LeJeune Family – Honduras
James and Susie LeJeune have been called to assist in church planting in Honduras. They have been sent out by Riverside Baptist Church in Terryville, CT.
Email: lejeunejames@gmail.com Website: http://www.lejeuneministries.com/
Lint Family – USA
Paul Lint and his family have been on the field for several years. They are church planters to people in the Pittsburgh, PA area. They were sent out by Dry Run Independent Baptist Church in Duncansville, PA.
Martinez Family – Cuba
Brother Joseph Martinez and his family are currently on deputation as missionaries to the people of Cuba. They are sent by Chilhowie Baptist Church in Chilhowie, VA.
Email: josephandnena@yahoo.com
Preacher Dan Meaders – USA
Daniel Meaders, aka “Preacher Dan”, is an evangelist preacher for the Lord Jesus Christ. His home church is Shady Acres Baptist Church in Houston, TX.
Email: dbmeaders@hotmail.com
Mullins Family – Papua, New Guinea
Ted Mullins and his wife, Lyn, are church planters in the country of Papua, New Guinea. Bro. Ted was sent out by Moriah Baptist Church in Ft. Oglethorpe, GA.
Email: t.lmullins@yahoo.com
Muscott Family – Guyana Blake and Haylee Muscott have been called to the country of Guyana. Bro. Blake will be pastoring an established church there. Bro. Blake spent much time in Guyana in the past and is familiar with the people and the culture. They have been sent out by The Bible Baptist Church, Deland, FL.
Email: blakeandhaylee@gmail.com
Ortiz Family – Mexico
Rolando Ortiz and his family are planning to plant churches in Mexico. Bro. Ortiz was sent out by Brookhaven Baptist Church in Greensboro, NC.
Email: rolanzwot@gmail.com
Peeler Family – Micronesia
Jack Peeler and his wife, Melinda, are currently planting a church on the Micronesian Island of Nukuoru. Bro. Peeler was sent out by Faith Baptist Church in Taylors, SC.
Email: jackmpeeler@yahoo.com
Potter Family – USA Bro. Ben Potter has been called to start a church in Burlington, VT. He and his wife Jennifer will be working together in the ministry. They have been sent out by Heritage Baptist Church in Wallingford, CT.
Email: pastorbenpotter@gmail.com
Ruckman Family – Africa and USA
Bro. James Ruckman and his family have been called to plant churches in South Dakota and Africa. They are sent out by Eastside Baptist Church in Sioux Falls, SD.
Email: jamruck@hotmail.com Website: http://www.ruckmans2africa.com
Sears Family – Iceland
Bro. Nathan Sears and his wife Negumi have been called to help in a church which was planted by missionaries to Iceland. They have been sent out by Coastal Light Baptist Church in Charleston, SC.
Email: searsiniceland@gmail.com Website: http://www.SearsToIceland.com
Stelzig Family – USA
Nick Stelzig and his family are missionaries to the suburbs of Boston, MA. They were sent out by Maranatha Baptist Church in Yorktown, VA.
Email: 2boston4christ@gmail.com
Tillman Family – Mongolia/Thailand
Mitch Tillman and his family have been serving in Mongolia in ministries established through the work of his father, Tommy Tillman. They were sent out by Community Baptist Church in Apison, TN.
Email: mitchtillman316@yahoo.com
Valles Family – Turks and Caicos Islands
Paul Valles and his family are missionaries to the Turks and Caicos Islands. They will evangelize the lost, plant churches and train nationals to take over the works once they are established. They were sent out by Gospel Baptist Church in Manchester, NH.
Email: valles2caicos@gmail.com Website: http://www.valles2caicos.com
Williams Family – USA
Lebron Williams and his wife, Libby, are presently involved in a helps ministry which enables missionaries to take a furlough from their work. They travel wherever they are needed to relieve a missionary family taking furlough. They were sent out by Bible Baptist Church in Supply, NC.
Email: lebronwms@outlook.com
Woodworth Family– South Dakota
Buck Woodworth and his family are missionaries to the Lakota Sioux on the Rosebud Reservation in in South Dakota. They will take over the ministry of a church plant that has been started there. They have been sent out by First Baptist Church, Conestee, SC.
Email: lighthousebaptistchurch2013@