Funeral for Susie Platka
There will be a funeral service at Olivet Baptist church for Susie Platka. Susie went to be with the Lord on Friday December 17.
There will be a funeral service at Olivet Baptist church for Susie Platka. Susie went to be with the Lord on Friday December 17.
We look forward to a visit from out missionaries to South Africa in the Western Cape region of the Cape of Good Hope, Jim and Kristina Foster. Their ministries include Christian education, church planting and more. They will be with us for both the morning and evening service.
Come and join us for the annual church business meeting. Hope you like pizza!
Join us in welcoming Rolando and Hannah Ortiz, our missionaries to Jalisco, Mexico.
Matthew and Rachel Shriner have been called to reach souls and minister to the people of Japan. They will be presenting their ministry to us during the morning and evening service.
Come join us as we celebrate the Lord's death, burial and resurrection in this public confession of those that put their faith in the gospel and made Jesus the Lord of their lives.
The ladies of Olivet Baptist church are gathering for lunch and fellowship. Spend time with other women who love the Lord, bring a guest and have lots of fun!
Save the dates and join us for a Missions Revival with Bro. Don Davis from Thursday, November 3rd through Sunday, November 6th. Our missionary guests are Samuel & Audrey Hull, Missionaries to Albania. Thursday, November 3 at 7 pm Friday, November 4 at 7 pm Saturday, November 5 at 6 pm - Fellowship to Follow […]
Come and join us for our annual church business meeting.
Missionary Lebron Williams will be preaching during the morning and evening service. Brother Williams and his wife, Libby, are presently involved in a helps ministry which enables missionaries to take a furlough from their work. They travel wherever they are needed to relieve a missionary family.
A missionary (name and location withheld for security reasons) will be our Special Guest Speaker for the Morning and Evening Services.
There will be a Baptismal Service following the 11 AM morning service. Please speak to Pastor Joe if you are Saved and would like to follow the Lord in Believers’ Baptism.